In a recent class action settlement approval hearing, Justice Belobaba of the Ontario Superior Court affirmed the value of early “ice breaker” settlements in complex class actions involving multiple defendants. In such a settlement, one defendant settles ahead of the
Class actions
US Second Circuit rules Issuer’s statements concerning regulatory compliance too generic to constitute material misstatements
On March 5, 2019, the United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal of a class action claim alleging securities fraud based on purportedly misleading statements made by an Issuer regarding its regulatory compliance efforts. The…
Alberta Securities Commission Declines to Stay Enforcement Proceedings In Face of Parallel Class Actions
In February 2019, the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) declined to stay the hearing of pending ASC enforcement proceedings on the basis of the existence of parallel, pending class action proceedings.
In June 2018, Staff of the ASC…
Motion Judge Erred in Law by Approving Class Counsel’s Fees
The Court of Appeal for Ontario recently set aside a decision approving the legal fees of class counsel on the condition that counsel would donate 40% of the approved fees to charity.
The appeal provides useful guidance for practitioners on…
A tough break for third party litigation funding in Ontario? Not so fast.
The Ontario Superior Court (ONSC) issued two back-to-back decisions on acceptable litigation financing agreements, both involving the same third party funder. While the ONSC continues to approve classic litigation financing arrangements, uncertainty remains as to whether third party…
Take Note: Class Action Defendants May be Ordered to Bear the Costs of Notice to Class Members
Justice Perell’s decision in Fantl v. ivari, teaches class action defendants an important lesson in being careful what they wish for. In a rare decision, he ordered that a defendant contribute the majority of the costs of providing potential…
The Importance of Materiality in Secondary Market Misrepresentation Claims: Paniccia v. MDC Partners Inc. Securities Class Action
In the recent decision of Paniccia v MDC Partners Inc., Perell J. refused to grant leave to proceed with a putative secondary market securities class action under Part XXIII.1 of the Ontario Securities Act (OSA) against…
US Supreme Court puts an end to untimely piggyback class actions
Companies confronting serial class actions won much needed relief from the US Supreme Court yesterday, in a decision that held that a class action tolls statutes of limitations only for putative class members’ individual claims, and not for later-filed class…
UPDATE: No Room for Double Talk: The Ontario Court of Appeal Addresses Restatements, the Reasonable Investigation Defence and the Test for Leave in Rahimi v. SouthGobi Resources Ltd.
On May 31, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada denied SouthGobi Resources Ltd.’s application for leave to appeal the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, which I provided an update on October 7, 2018. The Court of Appeal …
Reforming Class Actions in Ontario – Your Input Please!
On March 9, 2018, the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) released its Consultation Paper entitled “Class Actions: Objectives, Experiences and Reforms”. The Consultation Paper is the next phase of the LCO’s Class Actions Project which is…